This is a sub-site of Sophie's big site, Raise Your Vibration.
About Me:
I am a Hungarian empath ((An empath is like a psychic in a way. A true empath can feel and identify your feelings, whether they are emotions or physical sensations. She can feel them stronger than yourself. Using those feelings as guidance they can inform you about the source of your feelings and advise you on a way to cause or restore balance and well-being. As an empath I have also found a way to connect, directly, to the Source of All-of-It, in a two-way fashion, so I can ask and receive answers, energies, guidance, and support. I don't know of anyone who does what I do, and I cannot teach much of it: so far I haven't found anyone who can connect, at will, to another person.)) that can feel the range of emotions inside of you. I can connect directly to Source for Truth and can teach you to do the same. This site is only for people committed to raising their consciousness and that of humanity.
I am a "true" empath that can connect directly to Source for Truth. My mission is to teach you how to experience Truth for yourself. To raise your vibration not by running from your humanity but by embracing it.
Warning: This site is not for everyone. As an empath I can feel your anguish, suffering, joy, and willingness to commit. I can teach you how to reach higher levels of consciousness but only if you are willing to do the work.
As an empath I can see in you what you can't see for yourself. This is how you grow. My methods are confronting and aligned with Source always. Raising the vibration of humanity to evolve the human species is my only goal. I welcome you to join me on this journey.
On this site I plan to deal only with physical healing, even though we all know that your physical problems have a strong root in your emotions... and yet, the site and methods to deal with those are taught on my main site,
This, the physical healing site, will primarily deal with different healing modalities I know and recommend, cleansing, healing sessions, self-healing methods, and the supporting products I have.
I have another sub-site that may be of interest to you: I talk about your water there, and the effect it has on your health, energy level, etc. I also sell methods to energize your body. your water, and your physical environment.