jQuery.get( "https://healing.by-sophie.com/?nxs-cronrun=36");

What is Healing?

The portion of the Bible we read this week, Pinchas, contains the energy of healing. And so let's use this week to ask the question: What is healing and how do we go about bringing this energy into our lives?

According to the kabbalists, healing begins when we make the internal changes that the universe asks of us. Whether we realize it or not, every time we perform a negative action, we move ourselves closer to the energy of the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone and death; while every time we perform a positive action of sharing, we move ourselves closer to our soul and life.

Healing happens when we consciously bring ourselves closer to the Light, especially when it's difficult or when we don't want to or when it is easier to fall prey to our negative thoughts.

What do I mean by this? Basically, when we are not at our best—say, when we've gone into bankruptcy or when our best friend has just dumped us—these are the times when we must say to ourselves, "I have certainty that even though I don't have the position I had before or I don't feel as good as I once did, I know that the sun is shining." These are the times when we have to say, "I know with certainty that I am part of the Creator's spirit, and even though He has taken me through this unhappy process, maybe it is to help me jump forward with the Light."

The truth is what most of us are looking for is that inner peace that comes when we can go to sleep at night after saying to ourselves, "I've done what I could today to make myself a better person and the world a better place." However, we do need to realize that all the things that go smoothly in our lives are just stepping stones to take us to another challenge, another level, another platform from which we can grow. Peace is not just the absence of chaos. Absolute peace comes only when we know that we have tried our best to reach our spiritual level. Yes, maybe we have failed, but nevertheless, we tried—and it is the trying that is important.

There are people who take perfect care of themselves physically but still manage to fall ill. Sometimes we can do our best for our body, but if we forget our soul, we will never achieve the growth that brings our body and soul into balance. So how do we get there?
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Huge Breakthrough in the Delivery of the Heaven On Earth Energy Bundle (HOE)

Most energies infused into water proliferate (get passed on to something else) with entrainment. (This is a lot like getting pregnant by standing close to a pregnant person... lol)

Anyway, the signature product of ours, the revolutionary blah blah blah, the Bach Energies turned into a Bach Energy Bundle didn't and doesn't behave like a regular energy.

This week, a customer from the UK asked if I could infuse the HOE into the insert that goes into the Polar Pitcher. We use that setup to energize the water. I answered that I do, but unfortunately the HOE doesn't pass onto the water.

Then a Muslim customer asked me to send him the HOE in water not preserved with the brandy, for obvious religious reasons. I did.
Continue reading "Huge Breakthrough in the Delivery of the Heaven On Earth Energy Bundle (HOE)"