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You eat what you are… but you can change what you are!

lemon water for digestion and good healthUnbelievable, but true: you do crave more of what you are, and feel aversion towards what you are not.

I didn't know this until a friend said, out of the blue one day: your gut is organized to digest the food you are now giving it... it needs different bacteria to digest different food, like vegetables.

That is all I needed to hear: I started to re-train my gut to eat a healthier diet... In the beginning I gave it only grams of what it wasn't used to... so I can be well during the transition. Continue reading "You eat what you are… but you can change what you are!"

Accepting, allowing, making room for what you don’t want in the context of health

facial-swellingOne of my students went to a dentist. The dentist hit a nerve while giving her a novocain or lidocain injection, and then, instead of finding another spot, kept on pressing on.

She was in major pain, I recommended that she practices allowing, accepting, and it will help her heal.

The instinct is, the knee jerk reaction is to tighten up, resist, ponder how to fix it, reject it, go to another doctor, think about malpractice suit... and other resistant and "normal" reactions.

I have observed people, including myself, inflicting more damage on themselves by doing all the things I recommend against.
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On digestion, bacteria, your stool, and your mental health

I have been experimenting. I have also been muscle testing what supplement to take, for 2-3 weeks now. Before I only muscle tested some minerals but took, every night, the stuff that helps me poop.

To my surprise, the muscle test didn't agree with my habits: Intestinal Formula to move my bowels was needed every other day, and my extra strong probiotics was "yes" every third day, and the day in-between the regular probiotics was "yes". Turns out, the regular probiotics has a different combination of beneficial bacteria.

I am still pooping every day, but the stool is firmer, and there are no recognizable food particles in it.

So, I have come to a conclusion that I'd like to share:

Food gets broken down, digested by bacteria in our intestinal track. But each type of food needs a different type of bacteria.
Continue reading "On digestion, bacteria, your stool, and your mental health"

Will emotional healing heal your physical problems?

In this case study we’ll look at finding the physical issue and enable the body to heal itself, by 1. attending to the crucial organs that may be congested, like the liver and the pancreas, and cleanse them, flush them, energize them. 2. look for micro or macro invaders, bacteria, yeast, fungus, or parasites 3. influence the emotional state of the client so they allow healing instead of blocking it.

I have recently taken on a pro bono client, who is getting weaker and weaker, sicker and sicker by the day. He is in his mid 60's.

I am doing what I do for him remotely, using the empath method, which is healing by proxy. I do what I do non my own body, while I am connected to him.

He needs, first, cleansing and energizing both his liver and pancreas...

He is certain his troubles are due to emotional issues. I dare to differ.

My take on what ails him is that it's physical and undiagnosed.

Many people are drawn to my site, drawn to "distant healers" or the Healing Codes, EFT, and other emotional clearing modalities to heal their physical diseases.
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Ear Mites… be ready to be surprised… you may have them!

In this article I document the healing steps I have taken to heal a client with severe mobility and weakness issues, as well as hearing, seeing, and smelling. I found that all those issues come from an ear mite infestation that was unnoticed and undiagnosed for two years. With simple ingredients found in every home, he is on his way to resume a full life.

A yet unknown use for Hydrogen Peroxide, the one solution miracle

As you may know, occasionally I see clients in my home, if they travel to me, or they live in my city.

Having hands-on experience, being able to touch, watch, see the reaction, palpate, is something that I cannot do on my webinars of phone calls, so I need these to keep myself grounded.

Ten days ago a client came to his first ever visit with me. Barely able to climb the one flight of stairs, really in pain.

I found no obvious reasons why he was so weak and in pain, so I started to muscle test different areas, and I also used the diagnostic energy bundle, three major healing energies, bundled, show the origin of issues, not the effect.

It all centered around his left ear. I took out a magnifying lens, and found coffee grind-like stuff in there.
Continue reading "Ear Mites… be ready to be surprised… you may have them!"

Psoriasis remedy made in your kitchen… also works on acne

Stevia Salve: a psoriasis remedy made in your kitchen

BANGALORE, INDIA---Researchers at St. John’s College of Pharmacy recently sent me details of a wound-healing preparation they tested. They wanted to see if it was a viable alternative to the povidone-iodine ointment commonly used in this country. (Povidone-iodine is commonly sold as Betadine and used to prepare a patient’s skin prior to surgery and for cleaning minor wounds.) In India, they made a wound ointment from stevia extract and soft white paraffin.

Stevia extract has a long history of traditional uses in South America, where it is typically grown. However, the Asian markets consume over 85 percent of the global supply of stevia. In this country, we typically use it as a natural sweetener, but in Brazil and Paraguay, it has been used topically to enhance healing and reduce scarring of cuts, burns, wounds, acne, dermatitis, seborrhea, and even psoriasis.
Continue reading "Psoriasis remedy made in your kitchen… also works on acne"