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The fallacy that anything that is Indian is good for you

masala teaI have a new client. 35 year old male from Central Africa.

I suggested that he posts his food diary and mood diary every day, so we can figure out how to get him well.

So far there are intense symptoms of yeast die-off, once we removed sources of sugar and starches.

Going deeper, I found out that the Masala tea he is drinking is regular tea with Indian spices.

One of my friends is an Ayurvedic pulse reader, and as such he recommends spices to his clients.
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You eat what you are… but you can change what you are!

lemon water for digestion and good healthUnbelievable, but true: you do crave more of what you are, and feel aversion towards what you are not.

I didn't know this until a friend said, out of the blue one day: your gut is organized to digest the food you are now giving it... it needs different bacteria to digest different food, like vegetables.

That is all I needed to hear: I started to re-train my gut to eat a healthier diet... In the beginning I gave it only grams of what it wasn't used to... so I can be well during the transition. Continue reading "You eat what you are… but you can change what you are!"

Will emotional healing heal your physical problems?

In this case study we’ll look at finding the physical issue and enable the body to heal itself, by 1. attending to the crucial organs that may be congested, like the liver and the pancreas, and cleanse them, flush them, energize them. 2. look for micro or macro invaders, bacteria, yeast, fungus, or parasites 3. influence the emotional state of the client so they allow healing instead of blocking it.

I have recently taken on a pro bono client, who is getting weaker and weaker, sicker and sicker by the day. He is in his mid 60's.

I am doing what I do for him remotely, using the empath method, which is healing by proxy. I do what I do non my own body, while I am connected to him.

He needs, first, cleansing and energizing both his liver and pancreas...

He is certain his troubles are due to emotional issues. I dare to differ.

My take on what ails him is that it's physical and undiagnosed.

Many people are drawn to my site, drawn to "distant healers" or the Healing Codes, EFT, and other emotional clearing modalities to heal their physical diseases.
Continue reading "Will emotional healing heal your physical problems?"

How do you test if you are fructose intolerant or not?

Just like the test for yeast infection is weird ((for yeast infection, the only truthful test is to kill off yeast by restricting all carbohydrate intake for a LONG while... if you respond with intestinal pain, gas, general malaise, then your intestines were full of yeast aka Candida)).

The way to test for fructose is to buy fructose and consume it instead of regular sugar however you normally consume sugar.

Lemonade, your tea/coffee, bake with it, make ice-cream, just make sure you don't use more of it than you would use of regular sugar.
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Fructose: Fructose Intolerance, Fructose Malabsorption and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: are they connected?

irritable bowel syndrome and fructoseIrritable Bowel Syndrome is much like a puzzle. We discover pieces that look like pieces of the puzzle, only to later find out that they were just similar to the real piece...

Fructose malabsorption looks very promising in solving the IBS puzzle.

Fructose is a type of sugar that you can find in most plants. Fructose, the table sugar we know, is a mixture of different sugars, one of them being fructose.

For quite some time the word in the street has been that fructose is good for you, especially to people struggling with their weight, and people with hypoglycemia. New research proves the word in the street wrong: instead of fructose being good for you, it is, by itself, a true poison.

The body doesn't know how to use fructose! The digestive system can't deal with it effectively, when it is by itself, or when the proportion of the fructose is over the proportion of other sugars, like glucose. Instead of it being able to use it as food, it just feeds the bad bacteria and the yeast in our gut, causing horrible symptoms, both inside and outside our gut.

If you have digestive symptoms, like bloating, flatulence, or abdominal pain, it is worth looking at the idea that the fructose in what you it is causing the symptoms.

And if you have depression, mild forms of hallucination, sleeping disorder, confused mind, dyslexia, high blood pressure, headaches, then you may be dealing with the effects of the alcoholic fermentation and its results: leaky gut syndrome, GAPS, and mild alcohol poisoning.

What Is Fructose Malabsorption or Fructose Intolerance?

Continue reading "Fructose: Fructose Intolerance, Fructose Malabsorption and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: are they connected?"

Bloated, depression, stomach ache, fogginess, is it Fructose Intolerance?

fructose-intoleranceHealing is a lot like picking a lock. Or sometimes it is even as complicated as hacking into the computer of a bank... the variables are many, and you have to hang in with each option long enough to see if it might be taking you to someplace.

I've been sick from the moment I was born. Stomach ache, belly ache, nausea, bloating, pain to the touch, disgust with food, overweight, underweight, these were obviously digestion related.

Depression, light-headedness, fogginess, anger, temper-tantrums, dyslexia, being disturbed, being an outsider, being different... these don't seem to have anything to do with digestion.

I was treated with harsh medications for duodenal ulcers for 25 years. Obviously the treatment didn't work. I had no pylori bacteria, I was just in pain and miserable. No matter what I ate, I had pain from eating. At one point I was 96 lbs, considered anorexic. I just didn't eat: when I didn't eat it didn't hurt.
Continue reading "Bloated, depression, stomach ache, fogginess, is it Fructose Intolerance?"