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Fructose: Fructose Intolerance, Fructose Malabsorption and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: are they connected?

irritable bowel syndrome and fructoseIrritable Bowel Syndrome is much like a puzzle. We discover pieces that look like pieces of the puzzle, only to later find out that they were just similar to the real piece...

Fructose malabsorption looks very promising in solving the IBS puzzle.

Fructose is a type of sugar that you can find in most plants. Fructose, the table sugar we know, is a mixture of different sugars, one of them being fructose.

For quite some time the word in the street has been that fructose is good for you, especially to people struggling with their weight, and people with hypoglycemia. New research proves the word in the street wrong: instead of fructose being good for you, it is, by itself, a true poison.

The body doesn't know how to use fructose! The digestive system can't deal with it effectively, when it is by itself, or when the proportion of the fructose is over the proportion of other sugars, like glucose. Instead of it being able to use it as food, it just feeds the bad bacteria and the yeast in our gut, causing horrible symptoms, both inside and outside our gut.

If you have digestive symptoms, like bloating, flatulence, or abdominal pain, it is worth looking at the idea that the fructose in what you it is causing the symptoms.

And if you have depression, mild forms of hallucination, sleeping disorder, confused mind, dyslexia, high blood pressure, headaches, then you may be dealing with the effects of the alcoholic fermentation and its results: leaky gut syndrome, GAPS, and mild alcohol poisoning.

What Is Fructose Malabsorption or Fructose Intolerance?

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What is in milk that is addictive for some people? Like me… lol

I have been addicted to milk, sour cream, half and half, all my life.

How do you know that someone is truly addicted?

There are two symptoms:

  1. They can't be satisfied with a normal amount to consume of something they are addicted to. They have to go hog wild, until they can't do more. That describes my relationship to milk to a T.
  2. If they don't have the "stuff" they will go to get some over broken glass... this isn't quite true for me, maybe 40%

In the book I mention in my previous article, I learned that my gut flora changes the protein in milk and milk products to opiates.

To your information: opiates are the addictive ingredients in opium, in heroin, in pain killer that you need a prescription for.
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Coherence and other energetic phenomenon or how does the Energizer® energize the water

coherence: logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship of parts

What I am going to say here isn't the truth. It's my interpretation of what's going on, so please don't go off and pass it off as authoritative truth: I'll muscle test, but my hunch is: it is unkowable. Water is the most godly creation right after human being. It is capable of carry any energy, and carry it without any distortions. It is loving with no agenda of its own.

It's hard to imagine, but the water that we drink isn't coherent. It's much like unkempt hair: full of knots, lacking shine.

Why is that? Is it because of the impurities of the water? Yes and no.

The impurities are like the knots, they make the water molecules attempt to seal the impurities off.

The most important reason for our water's incoherence is its spin. (spin is a lot like curly hair: each hair follicle tells the individual hair which way the spiral should go.)

Water is supposed to be left-spin. Each molecule.

For reasons that we can only guess, (the impurity of the human mind feels most accurate, second guess is the cause of the Great Flood: the Earth spin got reversed, all guessing!)

Imagine your hair: each hair follicle instructs the hair to curl in a slightly different direction. The resulting hair is much like a bale of hay: no rhyme and reason, and no beauty.

That's how our drinking water looks when you can see it.
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