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Why You Should Soak Your Nuts and Seeds

High in vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy fats, nuts and seeds are little powerhouses of nutrition. However, nuts and seeds also contain phytic acid and large amounts of enzyme inhibitors which protect them from sprouting until they have the rain and sun they need to grow. And unfortunately, these natural chemicals are quite hard on the stomach.

So, if you’ve ever had tummy trouble after eating nuts and seeds, don’t give up on them yet!
Why You Should Soak Your Nuts and Seeds

In nature, a seed or nut normally gets enough moisture from rain to wash off the acids and enzyme inhibitors so it can germinate and produce a plant. By soaking nuts and seeds before you eat them, you imitate nature by neutralizing these toxic growth inhibitors, releasing the natural enzymes and vitality within them. Continue reading "Why You Should Soak Your Nuts and Seeds"

On Fructose… again. Is Fructose one of the big killers of our days to come?

ash13-norm-robillard-did-cavemen-get-heartburn-6-638I had this insight in that theta brain state in the morning when I was about to wake up...

I have been struggling with acid reflux. It started about three weeks ago when I started to enjoy some jam on my toast again in the morning.

I forgot why I'd stopped using anything that has fruit in it... the fructose! duh.

But then, in this half dream half awake, the insights came.

I have a client who can only whisper, because his vocal cord got damaged...
And there is this other client who has a tumor in his throat...
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Ear Mites… be ready to be surprised… you may have them!

In this article I document the healing steps I have taken to heal a client with severe mobility and weakness issues, as well as hearing, seeing, and smelling. I found that all those issues come from an ear mite infestation that was unnoticed and undiagnosed for two years. With simple ingredients found in every home, he is on his way to resume a full life.

A yet unknown use for Hydrogen Peroxide, the one solution miracle

As you may know, occasionally I see clients in my home, if they travel to me, or they live in my city.

Having hands-on experience, being able to touch, watch, see the reaction, palpate, is something that I cannot do on my webinars of phone calls, so I need these to keep myself grounded.

Ten days ago a client came to his first ever visit with me. Barely able to climb the one flight of stairs, really in pain.

I found no obvious reasons why he was so weak and in pain, so I started to muscle test different areas, and I also used the diagnostic energy bundle, three major healing energies, bundled, show the origin of issues, not the effect.

It all centered around his left ear. I took out a magnifying lens, and found coffee grind-like stuff in there.
Continue reading "Ear Mites… be ready to be surprised… you may have them!"

How do you test if you are fructose intolerant or not?

Just like the test for yeast infection is weird ((for yeast infection, the only truthful test is to kill off yeast by restricting all carbohydrate intake for a LONG while... if you respond with intestinal pain, gas, general malaise, then your intestines were full of yeast aka Candida)).

The way to test for fructose is to buy fructose and consume it instead of regular sugar however you normally consume sugar.

Lemonade, your tea/coffee, bake with it, make ice-cream, just make sure you don't use more of it than you would use of regular sugar.
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Water: does it help or does it hinder your body?

tap_waterWater! 70% of your body is water, and every single chemical process in your body requires water. In your cell and in between the cells.

Clean, well structured, good water. Water that lubricates your joints. Water that dissolves and carries the vitamins and the minerals to where they become life. Water that refreshes you, quenches your thirst, and leaves you with more energy than when you started.

Unfortunately to all of us, this is not the case. The water that is available for us, whether it is through the tap, through a "pristine" mountain stream, in a bottle, is water that doesn't fit to drink.

The minimum energy, the minimum vibration, the minimum "consciousness level" water needs to have is 300. That is what muscle test says the body needs to match itself... for the water to neither add nor take away from its state. On the vibrational scale of consciousness. If its vibration is lower, then it robs your body of energy, and it robs you of your life, of your happiness, of your peace of mind, of your brilliance, of your health.

I have measured the vibration of water from different sources, and this is what I found this morning:
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Energetic liver cleanse or liver flush

liver_cleanse_digestive-systemI believe that energies don't actually heal, even healing energies don't heal.

But they do something that few other modalities do: they restore circulation, gently, without side effects.

Liver congestion, liver malfunctioning, toxic liver, gall stones are all results of blockage in the flow of "stuff" going through the process in the liver to detoxify the body in the process.

And the gently energetic push, the gentle acceleration caused by the introduction of Source energy, this flow is started again, and with repeated application, restored to healthy levels.

In many cases even debris, small stones can be removed by the increased flow caused by Source energy, this happened on many calls.

Find out if you have enough energy to heal... send a donation and ask specifically that question: do I have enough energy to heal?
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