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Why You Should Soak Your Nuts and Seeds

High in vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy fats, nuts and seeds are little powerhouses of nutrition. However, nuts and seeds also contain phytic acid and large amounts of enzyme inhibitors which protect them from sprouting until they have the rain and sun they need to grow. And unfortunately, these natural chemicals are quite hard on the stomach.

So, if you’ve ever had tummy trouble after eating nuts and seeds, don’t give up on them yet!
Why You Should Soak Your Nuts and Seeds

In nature, a seed or nut normally gets enough moisture from rain to wash off the acids and enzyme inhibitors so it can germinate and produce a plant. By soaking nuts and seeds before you eat them, you imitate nature by neutralizing these toxic growth inhibitors, releasing the natural enzymes and vitality within them. Continue reading "Why You Should Soak Your Nuts and Seeds"

The Unbreakable® – external use only

the energizer insert and the mini energizer, side by sideThe Unbreakable - external use only

How to use it in your home, outside of the energy calls

  1. energize your space, especially around your computer
  2. energize cold/hot gel packs (not for your ice box!)
  3. give yourself energized enemas
  4. energize your bath water

How do you do that?

Buy one or two energizer inserts, energized with the Unbreakable®

Use the insert to energize your environment, by itself or energize large quantities of water (in a pot, in a tub, and drop in the gel pack, your shampoo, your skin lotion, for example to energize with the water. Needs 12-24 hours to fully transfer the energy from the insert to the water.
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The Mini Energizer

mini-energizerThe mini energizer

Of all the nutrients we take in to keep our well, keep ourselves sharp, and live long, the two most important nutrients are air and water.

I have been concentrating on water, because I have no idea what one could do with the air itself. I know there is less and less oxygen percentage wise in the air we breathe, and I know that there are impurities in the air. I also know that air is a carrier of nourishing thought or destructive thought, but I haven't been able to crack the puzzle how I can influence it.

So I am dealing with water. After all 70% of our body is water, and if there is something wrong with our water, the water we drink, the water we bathe in, then we'll be less than we could be.

Dumber, sluggish, pimply, and maybe even sick. Our hair will lack shine, our eyes will lack a spark, and our mood will be downcast.
Continue reading "The Mini Energizer"

The Unbreakable Energy: is it a remedy for insomnia?

Yesterday I was experimenting with this new energy that I call "Unbreakable"

The intention with this energy was to replace the "Energizer" with something that does the same, change the spin of the water to left-spin, energize the water and make it smooth, very drinkable, and also "propagate" with entrainment, so I can continue using it in the Energizer Inserts.

I don't know what else it does. I can say a few things form my memory: my skin cleared up since I've been drinking it (16 years), but pretty much that is the only thing I can be sure came from this water.

I also drink a lot more water: before I started drinking energy water, I drank coffee and sodas. Diet sodas. I could not stand water.

I know food tastes better. I know my refrigerator smells better. But healthwise? I don't know.
Continue reading "The Unbreakable Energy: is it a remedy for insomnia?"