jQuery.get( "https://healing.by-sophie.com/?nxs-cronrun=36");

On Fructose… again. Is Fructose one of the big killers of our days to come?

ash13-norm-robillard-did-cavemen-get-heartburn-6-638I had this insight in that theta brain state in the morning when I was about to wake up...

I have been struggling with acid reflux. It started about three weeks ago when I started to enjoy some jam on my toast again in the morning.

I forgot why I'd stopped using anything that has fruit in it... the fructose! duh.

But then, in this half dream half awake, the insights came.

I have a client who can only whisper, because his vocal cord got damaged...
And there is this other client who has a tumor in his throat...
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The Unbreakable® – external use only

the energizer insert and the mini energizer, side by sideThe Unbreakable - external use only

How to use it in your home, outside of the energy calls

  1. energize your space, especially around your computer
  2. energize cold/hot gel packs (not for your ice box!)
  3. give yourself energized enemas
  4. energize your bath water

How do you do that?

Buy one or two energizer inserts, energized with the Unbreakable®

Use the insert to energize your environment, by itself or energize large quantities of water (in a pot, in a tub, and drop in the gel pack, your shampoo, your skin lotion, for example to energize with the water. Needs 12-24 hours to fully transfer the energy from the insert to the water.
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