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Ear Mites… be ready to be surprised… you may have them!

In this article I document the healing steps I have taken to heal a client with severe mobility and weakness issues, as well as hearing, seeing, and smelling. I found that all those issues come from an ear mite infestation that was unnoticed and undiagnosed for two years. With simple ingredients found in every home, he is on his way to resume a full life.

A yet unknown use for Hydrogen Peroxide, the one solution miracle

As you may know, occasionally I see clients in my home, if they travel to me, or they live in my city.

Having hands-on experience, being able to touch, watch, see the reaction, palpate, is something that I cannot do on my webinars of phone calls, so I need these to keep myself grounded.

Ten days ago a client came to his first ever visit with me. Barely able to climb the one flight of stairs, really in pain.

I found no obvious reasons why he was so weak and in pain, so I started to muscle test different areas, and I also used the diagnostic energy bundle, three major healing energies, bundled, show the origin of issues, not the effect.

It all centered around his left ear. I took out a magnifying lens, and found coffee grind-like stuff in there.
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The Unbreakable® – external use only

the energizer insert and the mini energizer, side by sideThe Unbreakable - external use only

How to use it in your home, outside of the energy calls

  1. energize your space, especially around your computer
  2. energize cold/hot gel packs (not for your ice box!)
  3. give yourself energized enemas
  4. energize your bath water

How do you do that?

Buy one or two energizer inserts, energized with the Unbreakable®

Use the insert to energize your environment, by itself or energize large quantities of water (in a pot, in a tub, and drop in the gel pack, your shampoo, your skin lotion, for example to energize with the water. Needs 12-24 hours to fully transfer the energy from the insert to the water.
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The Mini Energizer

mini-energizerThe mini energizer

Of all the nutrients we take in to keep our well, keep ourselves sharp, and live long, the two most important nutrients are air and water.

I have been concentrating on water, because I have no idea what one could do with the air itself. I know there is less and less oxygen percentage wise in the air we breathe, and I know that there are impurities in the air. I also know that air is a carrier of nourishing thought or destructive thought, but I haven't been able to crack the puzzle how I can influence it.

So I am dealing with water. After all 70% of our body is water, and if there is something wrong with our water, the water we drink, the water we bathe in, then we'll be less than we could be.

Dumber, sluggish, pimply, and maybe even sick. Our hair will lack shine, our eyes will lack a spark, and our mood will be downcast.
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Energy Water and Chronic Yeast Infection

I was born a preemie. I had horrible colic my entire childhood, I was skinny, and I threw up every night. I hated food and was a picky eater.

At 9 I was diagnosed with yeast infection and had to go to treatments to the other end of town every week. I took 3 buses to get there and 3 to get back home. 80 minutes each way.

I had stomach ulcers, my hair was falling out in patches, and I started to show signs or emotional instability.

I wasn't going to be beaten by anything, so I developed a discipline a fakir would be proud to have.

I never had a good day, and I didn't even know I could. Of course the diagnosis, yeast infection, was forgotten, and I was treated for the symptoms, ulcers, depression, insomnia, muscle aches, headaches, especially migraines, irritable blowel syndrome, thinning hair, skin rashes and pimples.
Continue reading "Energy Water and Chronic Yeast Infection"