jQuery.get( "https://healing.by-sophie.com/?nxs-cronrun=36");

Bloated, depression, stomach ache, fogginess, is it Fructose Intolerance?

fructose-intoleranceHealing is a lot like picking a lock. Or sometimes it is even as complicated as hacking into the computer of a bank... the variables are many, and you have to hang in with each option long enough to see if it might be taking you to someplace.

I've been sick from the moment I was born. Stomach ache, belly ache, nausea, bloating, pain to the touch, disgust with food, overweight, underweight, these were obviously digestion related.

Depression, light-headedness, fogginess, anger, temper-tantrums, dyslexia, being disturbed, being an outsider, being different... these don't seem to have anything to do with digestion.

I was treated with harsh medications for duodenal ulcers for 25 years. Obviously the treatment didn't work. I had no pylori bacteria, I was just in pain and miserable. No matter what I ate, I had pain from eating. At one point I was 96 lbs, considered anorexic. I just didn't eat: when I didn't eat it didn't hurt.
Continue reading "Bloated, depression, stomach ache, fogginess, is it Fructose Intolerance?"

Energy Water and Chronic Yeast Infection

I was born a preemie. I had horrible colic my entire childhood, I was skinny, and I threw up every night. I hated food and was a picky eater.

At 9 I was diagnosed with yeast infection and had to go to treatments to the other end of town every week. I took 3 buses to get there and 3 to get back home. 80 minutes each way.

I had stomach ulcers, my hair was falling out in patches, and I started to show signs or emotional instability.

I wasn't going to be beaten by anything, so I developed a discipline a fakir would be proud to have.

I never had a good day, and I didn't even know I could. Of course the diagnosis, yeast infection, was forgotten, and I was treated for the symptoms, ulcers, depression, insomnia, muscle aches, headaches, especially migraines, irritable blowel syndrome, thinning hair, skin rashes and pimples.
Continue reading "Energy Water and Chronic Yeast Infection"