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The Mini Energizer

mini-energizerThe mini energizer

Of all the nutrients we take in to keep our well, keep ourselves sharp, and live long, the two most important nutrients are air and water.

I have been concentrating on water, because I have no idea what one could do with the air itself. I know there is less and less oxygen percentage wise in the air we breathe, and I know that there are impurities in the air. I also know that air is a carrier of nourishing thought or destructive thought, but I haven't been able to crack the puzzle how I can influence it.

So I am dealing with water. After all 70% of our body is water, and if there is something wrong with our water, the water we drink, the water we bathe in, then we'll be less than we could be.

Dumber, sluggish, pimply, and maybe even sick. Our hair will lack shine, our eyes will lack a spark, and our mood will be downcast.
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A month or two ago I gave to one of my massage clients a bottle of Heaven on Earth.

You know that the Heaven on Earth is an energy bundle. The 40 individual energies are the 40 negative feelings a human being can have, from anxiety to wrongful pride: all of them are in those 40.

The Heaven on Earth energies are infused in an aqueous (water based) solution and you take it in your drinking water, minimum 4 times a day, preferable throughout the day.

When a negative feeling arises, which is inevitable, the energy in the infusion (and now in your body) meets it and the two energies battle it out. Literally. They are matching energies, and depending on the strength of the feeling, it wins or the Remedy wins.
Continue reading "Psoriasis"